Mark Kubes, dealer of Surplus Firearms Parts & Accessories8440 Ulmerton Rd #500, Largo, FLORIDA USA 33771The easiest way to contact me is email Store Hours Monday through Friday 3PM to 8PM ET
Russian M1895 Nagant Revolver Parts and Accessories Listing ACCESSORIES
21. Grip Panel Scrw 2.00 42. Gd Screw 3.00
PLEASE GO TO MY NEW UPDATED SITE Secure Shopping Cart for easy on-line ordering
This site is no longer being updated, please go to for current prices and current list of available items I am a class 01 Firearms dealer primarily dealing in Quality Military Surplus Firearms from around the World. I also sell parts for many NON USA made weapons. I also have many accessories for military firearms as well as parts for many of the currently/recently imported guns. I will also special order firearms not currently in stock for people living in West Central Florida at 10% over cost (minimum $30 w/prepayment). I have a retail location in Largo, Florida and can be found at many central Florida gun shows.